Monday, February 25, 2013

Days 2-4 Round 2

Day 2 ran pretty much the same as last time, meaning hiccups all day from breakfast to when I went to bed. Not a lot of fun and very tiring. The swelling in my legs started last night, so it came a day early. My guess is some sort of result of starting the Xeloda  a day earlier than last time. 

Day 3 and the fluid build up this time is a lot less. Due only gone up about 2 Kgs instead of the 4-5 of last time. I'm putting this down to starting the treatment well hydrated unlike the first time. I' m following the nurses advice of either keep the legs moving or keep them elevated. It all helps with the swelling. The blasted hiccups came back this afternoon something I could have done without. 

Day 4 and I'm starting to get quite tired. I don't know if it is as a result of the constant keep the leg moving or up routine but I want to nod off but can't sleep,

I must try and remember to get a photo of my arms to gm before the next round. I used the clippers to take the hair off  them  so that the nurses had a choice of arms and veins. Also to help with removing all the tape they use to stick the canula down.  Long hair and halo of sticky tape don't mix 

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