Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chemo day 2

Well everything has gone well again today. No nausea, no vomiting, and no diarrhea. I've taken the first doses of the Xeloda chemo drug and obviously the anti-nausea drugs must be good. A grand total of 12 tablets a day, 7 of which are the Xeloda.

I've been keeping myself well hydrated meaning I am also spending a lot of time day and night in the toilet, yippee. I'm not complaining at that though as it means all the things they've given me have worked so far. I did test them pretty good for dinner tonight. I've been feeling so good I made Marcus and I a curry laksa for dinner as it was only us tonight, although Natalie is here but as she is a vegan she had toasted sangas.  So I'll see later tonight if the spices and chilies have any impact.

Apparently though day 4 is D-day as that is when I am weaned off/ cut off the anti nausea so I'll really know on Tuesday how I am. Might work from home on Tuesday, just in case.

So far so good but there is a long way to go.

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