Friday, March 1, 2013

Days 5-8 Round 2

Ok, a lot has happened this week so I will try and summarise it.

Firstly, unlike the first round I was extremely tried early in the week. I took Monday as sick leave I was so exhausted. I was still swelling in the legs and by Monday night my hands and feet were bright red and very sore and again felt is if they were on fire.

On Tuesday I had already planned to work from home and felt better after the rest Monday so did that. Unlike last time I was exhausted by the end of the day. Wednesday I worked from home again  as my feet and hands were still really red and on fire. Unlike last time my face had also gone really red although not sore my like hands. Again I was spent by the end of the day and the fluid dump had begun I think sometime early Wed morning or late Tuesday night. I hadn't put on as much weight or swollen as badly as the first time so I thought it might be lighter this time.  Beginners mistake. This may be why I was so tired though.

Somewhere in the middle of Wednesday night I decided that not only was I taking Thursday off but also Friday to just rest and recoup. Strange how your thoughts sometimes can be very lucid despite feeling groggy and exhausted. Smart decision. AJ was good with that.

After resting all day yesterday this morning I feel better. Still not great but better. My hands etc have eased a lot. My face is very red though anoint appears the rash I had last time and thought was heat rash is coming back. I've noticed it early hopefully and have put the cream they gave me on it already.

I've bought some Gatorade to replace the fluid and electrolytes. I was using some stuff called Gastrolyte which tastes foul. The Gatorade is supposed to do a similar job and at least it tastes like something I can drink.

Anyway today I am looking forward to resting up and hopefully having  a good weekend. All the best to everyone and hopefully you won't hear from me until next week some time.

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