Sunday, February 3, 2013

Chemo Day 3

Well so far so good. Side affects have been minimal to date although as I have said before Tuesday is the day when I will really know.

We needed honey today so Donna drove her and I up to Healesville for the morning and to go to the markets there. We got some honey but could only get it in a litre so we'll probably be back next month.

I was still feeling quite bloated from Saturday's dinner of home made curry laksa and didn't even want morning tea, something most unusual for me, especially at Healesville where there is one of our favourite cafes. We had also noticed earlier that my legs had started swell. We walked around a little but then headed home. We couldn't stay out for lunch, not that I felt like it, as I have a tablet I have to take at lunch time and we didn't bring it.

After a very light lunch Marcus wanted to get some hours up on his learners so we drove over to Warrandyte where we had some afternoon tea in a very nice cafe that Donna had chosen. So my appetite was starting to return.

By early evening we noticed that I had developed cankles and really big calves and thighs. I made note of it in the daily diary they provided for me to keep track of things. I thought it was still probably fluid so I jumped on the cross trainer and just walked on it for about 1.5 hours. By the end my calves and ankles had decreased noticeably so I am less concerned but I will advise the doctors anyway on Monday.

My weight is doing all sorts of weird things. On Friday when I started it was 74 Kg, on Sat it was 73 Kg, this was after pumping me with about 6-7 litres of saline plus the drugs. Today it was 78 kg  5 Kg in a day!, I'm guessing all the fluid still needs to get out of me.

So apart from the never ending hiccups which seem to be ever present even when I am not hiccuping these are the only side affects I have noticed.

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