Thursday, November 20, 2014

Round 4 - not quite

Some updates

The swelling on my feet turned out to be blisters that couldn't be seen until the redness went down.  A bit of care and they are now ok.

Saw Niall this week as usual for my pre-treatment meet.  I spoke to him about the local reaction to the Carboplatin. He was also very concerned about the state of my hands,  they were very red and swollen when I saw him.  Previously i think i have said this is the Capecitabine. So I have one drug causing local reaction and another causing selling and inflammation.  Now if  I can just show something from the trastuzumab I'd get a jackpot. 

The really good news though is that the CT scan has come back showing real reduction in both the stomach and the lymphs. Excellent news as it means the treatment is working. 

Based on this Niall is reluctant to change my treatment regime,  which is fine by me! IT IS WORKING!  However because of the state of my hands he had deferred this weeks treatment until next week.  Sounds easy but it took me nearly 2 hours yesterday to rearrange things at work.  The other change is that because of the localized reaction to the Carboplatin I will get a PIC  line installed,  fitted, I'm not sure of the right term,  for my next treatment.  Basically this is a tube that will run up an artery in my arm probably into my chest somewhere so the Carboplatin can be administered without the reaction.  It gets fitted, installed next Friday and then stays in until all the treatments are complete.  Looking forward to that,  oh yeah. 

Anyway as I said it is working so I'll do whatever is necessary to finish it. 

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