Saturday, November 8, 2014

Roud 3 Eow 1

It has been a strange week,  this week.  First there was the whole arm swelling thing.  I still sometimes feel a slight pain in my wrist if I put pressure on it the wrong way.  Probably a muscle memory thing. 

Next it hasn't followed the usual pattern.  Tuesday appeared to be the start of fatigue and the other side effects like usual but then instead of the usual Wed with super fatigue and regular repeating bowel movements, it was a mild day with some fatigue and minimal other things. 

Instead Thursday turned out to be the fatigue day with other fun things.  The other strange thing was the difference in taste.  Previously from early Tuesday through to late Thursday everything tasted awful,  strongly metallic.  I ate soup only and I had to force myself to eat that. This time it wasn't as bad and I have eaten better this week. 

It would be nice if future side effects spread themselves out over the week, but who knows. 

Unfortunately not everything this week has been as mild.  My hands and feet have really swelled this week, particularly my hands.  They are at times quite painful. A very strange thing has been happening this week with my hands.  At times they come up quite purple in places, so in amongst the bright red is this deal purple colour. It seems to come and go very quickly.  I'll see if I can get a photo of it and post it.  I must remember to ask Niall about it.   As I said, a strange week this week. 

An interesting aside is that as they are very puffy and very dry I have very little grip, there is no moisture to be able to hold things.  I have an excuse now for being clumsy.  Anyway no peeling yet so I am quite thankful for that. 

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