Monday, November 3, 2014

Round 3

On Friday I had my 3rd treatment which turned out to be quite interesting for not good reasons. As the Carboplatin finished my arm stated to get quite a burning sensation around the point of  injection, not bad at first so I didn't say anything immediately and the flush was started.  At the end of the flush the point was burning quite a bit more and very sensitive to touch.  I told the nurse what was going on.  After a bit of discussion it was decided to continue the treatment via the other arm.

Later that day my arm started to swell around the wrist near the injection point.  It became extremely sensitive. When I showed I noticed the heart took a lot of the pain away and seemed to make it less sensitive at least for a little while.  So I put a heat pack on it most of Friday night.  The sensation add the swelling slowly disappeared during Saturday although has left a bit of a week wrist at the moment. Seems when I hold things that are heavy or dry to pull things the wrong way I get a sharp pain, so maybe the swelling isn't completely gone.

Anyway home again this week.  More books to read and movies to watch.

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