Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Days 9 - 19 Round 2

Well it has been a while and it has been quite a period. Nothing has gone the same as last time. I have had almost every type of side effect you can get and the ones from last time were much stronger and lasted much longer.

I still lost heaps of fluid but instead of it all in one day it lasted about 7 days. This was followed by a weekend of diarrhea. So now I am at just 68kgs and feeling a little weak but as of today I actually feel like I am getting better. On top of all that my hands and feet became really inflamed to the point where it was quite difficult to walk. Quite stupidly I kept trying to work through last week. I was so exhausted at the end of each day I just didn't have the energy to do the blog.

Donna and I had a funny conversation on the weekend, it was around how when you are going through something like this all conversations seem to be about bodily functions. So let me just say last week was crap and I'll skip all the other things that happened. I had a CT last week that will tell if the Herceptin side of the treatment is doing what is supposed to and worth the money or not. I meet with Niall tomorrow as I am to have cycle 3 this week. I'm not sure if it will  happen though given I am still well below weight and not recovered yet. We'll see.

On to more enjoyable things. Nicholas has started Uni and is pleased with his subjects and days. He has Thursday and Friday off each week. And they call it full time!

BTW Thanks for the cards it is appreciated.

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