Monday, February 25, 2013

Days 2-4 Round 2

Day 2 ran pretty much the same as last time, meaning hiccups all day from breakfast to when I went to bed. Not a lot of fun and very tiring. The swelling in my legs started last night, so it came a day early. My guess is some sort of result of starting the Xeloda  a day earlier than last time. 

Day 3 and the fluid build up this time is a lot less. Due only gone up about 2 Kgs instead of the 4-5 of last time. I'm putting this down to starting the treatment well hydrated unlike the first time. I' m following the nurses advice of either keep the legs moving or keep them elevated. It all helps with the swelling. The blasted hiccups came back this afternoon something I could have done without. 

Day 4 and I'm starting to get quite tired. I don't know if it is as a result of the constant keep the leg moving or up routine but I want to nod off but can't sleep,

I must try and remember to get a photo of my arms to gm before the next round. I used the clippers to take the hair off  them  so that the nurses had a choice of arms and veins. Also to help with removing all the tape they use to stick the canula down.  Long hair and halo of sticky tape don't mix 


In amongst the trips to hospital I managed to get in a very nice lunch at a place in Heidelberg called The FISH CAFE with Nicholas. It is a fish and burger shop that does great burgers. I had a burger with the lot and  Nicholas had a fish burger with a small chips. Both binges were really large and  tased great. The small chips were huge and could feed 4 people, great value at $3.50.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 1 Round 2

I feel a bit like a boxer starting this with round 2. Today I start round 2. Yesterday I met with Niall again and discussed round 1. He is a bit like a coach in that way. We go though what happened and what if anything we do different, which is nothing at this stage . My blood results from Monday were good and the fluid dump although unexpected could have been the result of a couple of things, so this time we wait and see if it is the  same or not. Same or different  might point to which is the right answer.

The burning feet, numb fingertips and the dry skin and cracked lips are all side affects of the XELODA. Unfortunatety for me Niall tells me to expect these to get worse this time. There is some sort of cumulative thing in the first 2-3 rounds that fades in the other rounds.

At this stage the rash is suspected of being just a heat rash.

I started today's treatment earlier and with lots of fluid before I got here so things are progressing quicker than last time and I expect to be out of here by 5pm instead of 6.

Lots of exercise for the next couple of days to try and get the fluid moving quicker and more evenly this time around.

Attached is a photo of the chain I get to sit in all day. They are large and comfortable and can be adjusted as needed'

Monday, February 18, 2013

Days 11-16

OK maybe just a little too optimistic last post.

After working out at the gym on Tuesday I ended up with an intense burning sensation on the soles of my feet. I thought that I had blistered the bottom of both feet. After waiting for a day no blisters but the sensation wouldn't go away. It made sleeping really difficult. Even when Donna felt my feet she said they were burning on the soles. It also made walking rather difficult.

Anyway by Friday the sensation was going away so I went to a work BBQ where I just sat in a chair so I wouldn't have to be on my feet. By Saturday my feet had eased off a lot but I had developed a rash on my chest and a little on my face. It was itchy on the chest but I noticed the moisturizer I used on my face eased the spots so I tried it on my chest and it certainly eased it but it  wouldn't go away. I rang the hospital after hours as per their instruction. They were happy that if I could control it and then see my GP it was probably a heat rash, which was what I said it was when I rang them. So I did.

Today, I went to the GP and yes it is a heat rash. I have some special ointment for it and now it has gone.
My feet have really eased off as I used a cross trainer tonight and so far so good.

Anyway next round starts on Thursday so if nothing happens between now and then I'll wait till the next post.

Days 9&10

Things are running well at the moment so unless something happens assume all is well.  I'll stop posting daily and only exceptions will be posted.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 7&8

Unlike yesterday's blog where I combined cause not much was happening, a lot happened yesterday and Wed night. Over about 15 hours all the fluid finally left. During that period I lost nearly 6 kilos  in weight. Let me say right now that by the time it stopped yesterday morning  I was completely worn out. I slept most of yesterday.

I made the mistake of trying to eat solid food straight away and caused myself severe intestinal pain. Definitely remember that for next time.

I'm still really tired today but went to work and made it through the whole day so I'm recovering.

Anyone with ideas on lessening the affects of massive sudden dehydration send me an email.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 5 & 6

Not much to report yesterday and today. Apart from the swollen legs and fluid retention not much in way of symptoms. This is really good news as I am told by the doctor that I am now probably past the vomiting stage for this round.

I've been at work both days albeit yesterday working from home and today at work for 1/5 the day. Until my legs grew and I went home to get them up in the air.

I'm getting some fluid tablets tomorrow so hopefully that will move it now the worst is past this week.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chemo day 4

Super Bowl!
I've taken the day on annual leave to watch the Super Bowl like most years. A great game and really please to see Baltimore win despite them knocking out my team on the way through.

Side affects still are minimal although my legs did swell again despite me being on the cross trainer for almost the entire game 3 hours. So I've stuck my legs in the air for the night to see if it helps.

The doctor isn't too concerned if I can keep control of it myself. It might make working at work more of a challenge though. It many be half days at work and then home for the afternoon. I'll play it by ear for the moment.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Chemo Day 3

Well so far so good. Side affects have been minimal to date although as I have said before Tuesday is the day when I will really know.

We needed honey today so Donna drove her and I up to Healesville for the morning and to go to the markets there. We got some honey but could only get it in a litre so we'll probably be back next month.

I was still feeling quite bloated from Saturday's dinner of home made curry laksa and didn't even want morning tea, something most unusual for me, especially at Healesville where there is one of our favourite cafes. We had also noticed earlier that my legs had started swell. We walked around a little but then headed home. We couldn't stay out for lunch, not that I felt like it, as I have a tablet I have to take at lunch time and we didn't bring it.

After a very light lunch Marcus wanted to get some hours up on his learners so we drove over to Warrandyte where we had some afternoon tea in a very nice cafe that Donna had chosen. So my appetite was starting to return.

By early evening we noticed that I had developed cankles and really big calves and thighs. I made note of it in the daily diary they provided for me to keep track of things. I thought it was still probably fluid so I jumped on the cross trainer and just walked on it for about 1.5 hours. By the end my calves and ankles had decreased noticeably so I am less concerned but I will advise the doctors anyway on Monday.

My weight is doing all sorts of weird things. On Friday when I started it was 74 Kg, on Sat it was 73 Kg, this was after pumping me with about 6-7 litres of saline plus the drugs. Today it was 78 kg  5 Kg in a day!, I'm guessing all the fluid still needs to get out of me.

So apart from the never ending hiccups which seem to be ever present even when I am not hiccuping these are the only side affects I have noticed.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Chemo day 2

Well everything has gone well again today. No nausea, no vomiting, and no diarrhea. I've taken the first doses of the Xeloda chemo drug and obviously the anti-nausea drugs must be good. A grand total of 12 tablets a day, 7 of which are the Xeloda.

I've been keeping myself well hydrated meaning I am also spending a lot of time day and night in the toilet, yippee. I'm not complaining at that though as it means all the things they've given me have worked so far. I did test them pretty good for dinner tonight. I've been feeling so good I made Marcus and I a curry laksa for dinner as it was only us tonight, although Natalie is here but as she is a vegan she had toasted sangas.  So I'll see later tonight if the spices and chilies have any impact.

Apparently though day 4 is D-day as that is when I am weaned off/ cut off the anti nausea so I'll really know on Tuesday how I am. Might work from home on Tuesday, just in case.

So far so good but there is a long way to go.

Friday, February 1, 2013

View out window

Starting chemo today!

Today I start chemo at the Warringal Hospital: It still feels strange  being treated for a cancer I have no symptons for. Anyway I am getting .CX and an antibody called Herceptin. It starts though with  plenty of  ftuid (saline) being pumped into me and then the Chemo drugs and then some more  saline.

In the beginning along with the saline I am getting some (read lots) of anti-nausea drugs  One by mouth, called Emend, and 2 intravenously' DEXAMENTHASONL and NAVOBAN, each of these I have to take follow up pills for the next 2-3 days. I have then also another optional one which I can take,  more likely after the others have expired METOCLOPRAMIDE:

The saline is to make sure my kidneys keep functioning as the chemo affects them. Once the saline is pumped in I have to urinate enough so that they can then administer the chemo.

So I am sitting here at the hospital in a very comfy chair with a great view out the window and being looked after by Margaret who is very friendly and helpful

All the staff here are good and very friendly. They keep wanting to close the blinds but I like it bright so I keep saying no.

The Heceptin is going in now and as it is the first dose it is a large dose, today takes 1 1/2 hours, the next dose in 3 weeks takes 1 hour and then each after that only 1/2 hour each time. It was about 11.05 when it started. Atl the drugs start with A load dose and then reduce for the rest.

Finally it is all over and it is now 5:45 PM and I have been plugged in since 9Am. The chemo drugs stopped around 2pm and then the next round of saline. So far I have had little  to no reaction  to any of the drugs. I had a slight reaction  to one drug which was a pain in the arm around the cannula. Margaret said it probably wasn't the drug itself but more likely that it was the cold of the drug and the speed it was going in. She adjusted it a bit and also gave me  a heat pad fathe arm. this did the trick and I was good in no time.  Obviously the anti-nausea drugs are working.

Originally I was to be an overnight stay but they changed it to a day procedure as there were no staff available. The place is that new. What it did mean though is  they cut short the end saline only till ~6pm, 4 hours not 6. So I have to make sure I continue the hydration tonight to keep my kidneys working.

Lets hope the rest of the treatment goes this well.