Niall came in and we talked about the transition home and getting access to regional nurses and pallative care
Friday night started vomiting and this continued into Saturday morning. So Saturday was pretty much sleep and vomit. The visiting oncologist said this was due to a blockage and that an xray would confirm how bad the blockage was. An operation was out of the question as I was in no fit state to undergo this so all we could do was to wait and see if it fixed itself.
I had a better night Saturday night and was awake and alert Sunday morning. Today I went onto a sips only diet to make sure the bladder would stay working independently. My bladder working ok -this was good news. Bowles still haven't worked properly for 3 days similarly the same for the stomach. A nasal gastric tube was inserted to take pressure from stomach and hopefully the bowels will kick in independently.
Monday and I am on a sips only diet meaning that I can only sip tiny amounts of clear fluid for the whole day as I am being fed the nutrients by iv. Apparently on Sunday i over did this and for lunch and dinner and was sipping quite happily from 5 different juices when advised quite sternly this was not what was meant. I didn't know, I thought sipping was sipping. Anyway back to just a sip of water in little amounts for today and tomorrow. Not sure how long this will go on for.
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