Friday, April 10, 2015

Back in hospital 2.2

On Monday I had a blood transfusion to bring my sodium, energy, protein levels back up. Imagine that-me with low salt. This made me feel a lot better and my color returned.

On Tuesday my abdomen and legs were still swollen so they decided to insert a 'tap' into my abdomen and drain some fluid.  They were able to get 5.1 litres of fluid. I got my legs and abdomen back. The tap is still inserted so that if they need to drain some more, I'm good to go. Once the fluid was drained the kidney and bladder all worked and I was able to have a reasonable output of urine without the pain. Today i had a visit from the physio who took me for a stroll along the corridor. I was glad to get back to my room as this took a bit out of me.

On Wednesday there were continuous motions during the day of both bowel and bladder. This drew us to the conclusion that the catheter could come out. But it wasn't going to be today -dam.  Today I slept a lot as I didn't get much sleep last night due to the laxative potions I had taken the night before. Another visit from the physio and another stroll along the corridor. I went further this time-Yeh go me. She wanted to try the stairs as she knew we have stairs at home. This was a bit far for me to tackle. Back to the room and she had me doing exercises like leg raises, toe raises and some boxing. This I couldn't do as I still has the canular in my wrist.

Thursday morning the catheter came out-woo hoo. I can move about more freely now to the toilet and shower. I didn't feel like doing any exercises with the physio so I sent him away. Wanted more sleep as the nurses like to come in very early to do my obs and give me my medication.

Today (Friday) the canular came out from my wrist. Last night I threw up nice green bile. This certainly cleared my chest.  Am back in pain as the fluid had returned to my abdomen.  I have requested another drain but yet to find out if this is possible today. Will update what happens in my next blog.

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