Sunday, January 25, 2015

Round 6 WK2

As of Friday very little sleep. When I walked into the onc ward to get my PICC dressing done the nurses all commented on how I didn't look well.  I told them I had had very little sleep due to back pain and constipation.  After some discussion they were quite concerned and rang Niall.  After some back and forth with Niall he prescribed me Oxynorm. Because of my intolerance to Codeine (it puts me to sleep very quickly) and to make sure of no similar reaction to the Oxynorm they gave me a dose in the ward and then monitored me for about 45 mins just to make sure.  The good news, Firstly I had no reaction and secondly the stuff works really well. 

My constipation appeared to have disappeared on Friday,  not sure if disappeared is the right word or maybe I should say flushed away.  Anyway it is back and Sat night was not good.  I have to be careful with the Oxynorm as overuse or prolonged use can cause constipation. Ironic isn't it,  that which assists with the problem can actually cause it. I am being very cautious with it.

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