Sunday, December 21, 2014

Round 5 Day 2

Things are have been very different this whole treatment series from last time. Whereas last time I had a pattern of when I knew I could eat again and when certain symptoms would occur, that hasn't been the case this time. Probably the combination of different drug and different regime for the one from last time.

Last year the first weekend after treatment was always a good one, this time not quite the same. A combination of constipation, steely mouth and tiredness have been more the pattern. Also with the continued Capecitibine rather than 2 weeks on and 1 week off week 3 is very different. There is no recovery period so appetite is the biggest issue.

Eating seems to be becoming the biggest challenge I face. While the physical symptoms such as peeling hands and feet are the biggest concern for the doctors and nurses for me it is a) when do I feel like eating and b) what do I feel like eating. It makes shopping a challenge as from 1 week to the next it changes, and there is no pattern to go with it. Something I really craved for last week is something that makes me want to through up this week, and I can't work it out until I try to eat and can't. The 2 consistent things this time seems to be milk drinks, which I like anyway so that's good, and really watery fruit like watermelon and grapes, which I also like. Every thing else becomes a suck it and see challenge.

Christmas this year will be a real challenge it is smack bang in the middle of my worst period, fun times here we come. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

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