Friday, April 5, 2013

This Week In Treatment

I thought this week was going to be ffairly usual stuff hence no posts. Instead I have a new challenge to write about.

To start on Tuesday I was feeling pretty good and my leg swelling had reduced so I figured I'd get in some exercise. Apparently not a good idea. Right calf ballooned and really hurt. I was still thinking at this stage it was muscular, it had been there with different severity for over 2 weeks.

It was still the same Thursday so I went to see the doctor. After a quick consultation and I had a letter to the emergency room at the Austin, so off we went. At the Austin, after nearly 5 hours, I was diagnosed with blood clots from near the top of my thigh to the back of my knee. Oh well at least it explains the pain, swelling and why it wouldn't go away. The next bit is the fun part. Due to my chemo I can't take usual tablets but have to have daily injections instead. I said to the doctor what are my options? Well you give them to yourself or you come hear everyday. So last night in the emergency ward I learnt how to give myself an infection. It isn't that hard as it turns out. You just have to get over the first thought of it. So now I get to give myself a daily injection for at least the next 3 to 6 months.

The doctor doing thought it funny that when he told me I responded that it was good and bad news. i explained, the bad that I had clots and the good that at least I now knew the problem and could something about it.  He just smiled and nodded. Nicholas thinks he will use that now with other patients.

Today was my second self inflicted injection. The pushing the needle in is painless but the medicine as it goes in stings. So be it.

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