Friday, January 4, 2013

Biopsy results

Niall rang and let me know that the first half of the biopsy results are back and that the MET is positive which is good for the study but the HER2 is borderline. This means they will need a re-test. 

Just spoke with Niall about the biopsy results. Good and bad news, as usual. 

Bad news - the re-test of the HER2 has come back and it is positive not negative so I am ineligible for the study. 

Good news - Now that we have confirmed the type of tumor he has suggested a different study which he is also part of. It hasn't opened yet but he expects it to in the next week or 2 and with me as a confirmed candidate it should expedite it a little. This study is specifically for people with HER2 positive tumors so is very god for me. This one involves a drug that is a known anti-body to HER2 tumors which I definitely get as well as a new drug being tested as an anti-body which is a double blind so I might get it. All in addition to the chemo. 

The Really Good News - Niall confirmed today that the is no spread further than what is already known and so it is a "nodal disease" and not into any other organs. 

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