Friday, October 31, 2014

Round 2 EOW 3

There wasn't a lot to report during this cycle which is why I held off bogging.  Having said that in the last few days my hands and feet have become a lot more sensitive and are staying to puff up again.  They are much redder. 

Instead of Niall this week I met with Yvonne who stands in for Niall on occasions.  She is interesting and knows her stuff although without the history I didn't ask a couple of the questions I was going to ask Niall. 

What was interesting was she told me that the reddening and the drying of the skin etc was likely caused by the Capecitabine, I had thought it was the Carboplatin. So going on what Niall had told me before the n neuropathy is caused by the Carboplatin and then the peeling of the hands and feet is caused by the Capecitabine.  Which means they are separate side effects and not part of the same side effect.  I had linked them together.  Interesting what I keep finding out. 

Anyway I am here for round 3, treatment remains the same no changes. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Round 2 week 1

I need my second treatment on Friday although that is not the story of the week.  In the lead up to my treatment I have to get a blood test.  As I had already had kmy left arm used on the week before for my RNVG I wanted to use my right arm for the test.  Unfortunately the somewhat poor sighted nurse at Dorevitch couldn't see any veins and insisted on using the same vein on my left arm as had been used the week before. 

The result as you can guess was a very ugly bruised swollen arm for mostof theweek.  See photo's below.

Other than that all things still going well.  Still none of the massive side affects like last year, although I am told the effects of the new drug are cumulative so expect it to get worse over time. 

I am still taking things very easy in this first week though and mostly just resting up.  I am only taking 7 days leave this round rather than the 9 of last time because things are going well.  It'll be 7 off and 8 on from here on in unless something dramatic happens. 

Signing off now, next transmission will be via the travel blog I hope as Donna and I had up to Merrijig on Tuesday for a couple of days.  Blog you then. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Round 1 Week 2

Well folks it is now the end of week 2 for round 1. It was actually a pretty good one for me. The fatigue disappeared and mostly everything went very well. I feel good, and have been exercising again, walking anyway.

So assuming it follows the pattern it will slowly get worse but the starting point is really good so I'm hoping I'll get through this with only 5 treatments. That means I'll be done by new years hopefully. I won't count on that though until it happens.

So I will keep you all informed on how it is going next week after round 2.