Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ahmad Aly

This week I saw Mr Ahmad Aly again, this time for swallowing issue.  He was really pleased to see that I was doing well.  I described my symptoms and about half way through he started smiling.  The good news is that what I have is quite common and it is most likely scar tissue left over from the treatment.  It is usually treated with a balloon that stretches the affected area.  If it is really bad then a Stent can be inserted. 

Of course there is the slight chance it is the cancer back but for now I am choosing to think it is the scar tissue.  There are other reasons for the narrowing but for now it is go with the most likely. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Update on swallowing

I had thought things had changed, as almost a week has gone by before tonight when I had me latest incident. Bummer. Still a week is better than everyday which is what it had become.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Good news from Niall

With the eating thing happening I didn't even notice to later that although Niall has booked me in for a ct he didn't mention my kidney function.  This is good news and validates my increased fluid intake strategy.  I will continue it. 

Sleepy Saturday

I slept nearly all day Saturday which was the day after my treatment.  It is interesting as Donna thinks it was the same day last time that I slept all day.  I am noting it here to keep track.  I'll see if it repeats. 

HB check

First episode since last Thursday.  Thought it might be bad today when I started lunch and it was dry and doughy.  Second last bite caused it, so not bad I guess. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

The hiccup burp continued

I saw Niall on Wed as usual and spoke with him about the hiccup burp and my eating problems is causing.  At the moment with everything else pointing at being ok he thinks it is probably unrelated but given the location of my tumor it may be.  So to be safe he has booked me in to see Ahmed Aly for a gastroscopy,  just to make sure.  So in 2 weeks I see Ahmed. 

I will keep you posted. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dehydration cycle

Just confirming my previous observations that in the week leading up to my treatment, the sites of my neuropathy become quite dehydrated.  To the point where, this time I can visibly see the dry skin of my fingertips.  Interesting.  I wonder if this and the hiccup burp is related? 

Monday, August 4, 2014

More hiccup burp

Sunday was not a good day for this.  Both at lunch and at dinner.  At lunch I knew as soon as I had swallowed the first chip.  At dinner it was more of a surprise while eating spaghetti. 

At lunch it took me a few goes to move the offending chip after which I was able to eat the fish and salad easily.  No more chips, they were awful anyway so no loss. 

Dinner, pretty much first go cleared it and was able to finish meal. 

Breakfast today, ok. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hiccup burp

I'm still having what I now call the Hiccup burp. I sometime think it is improving and then an another episode.  I've worked out that if I can quickly vomit up the bit that is stuck I can then continue. 

I did for a while have a really hot sensation up my osophigus. That has now gone so may be it is getting better. 

Oily foods are easier to eat than drier foods.  Muesli gives me burps or what passes for burps now.  It is like my burp muscle pulls tight but nothing happens.  Once now again is Ok but a couple in a row together is painful. 

I'm still eating well inspite of it which is good news.  I will talk to Niall about it when I see him next week.