It's now about 6 months since my last note to myself. How is it going I hear me ask? Well sometimes it is quite scary.
First let me state I am still in remission. Last month (mar 2014) I had a regular CT. Still no sign of it.
Now why is it scary?
Around the time of the last CT I had pulled and torn some muscles around my ribs and abdomen. Despite regular visits to the Osteo and Myo it just wasn't feeling good. This mightn't sound scary but when the only previous symptom of cancer was abdominal aching pain caused by ulcers. Then when you have muscular abdominal pain in roughly the same place as the last lot of pain, getting a clearance from the CT becomes a priority.
Luckily all is good. I had forgotten I had created this so I will try to get better at updating it.
My neuropathy is still there and probably only slightly better than 6 months ago. I keep telling myself it is improving but I might have to face that it isn't.
I'm still on Clexane for the blood, Nexium for the ulcers (gone), 3 Vit D all daily.
I'm still under treatment getting Herceptin (trastuzamab) every 3 weeks. Donna and I ares starting to work out what that means for things like holidays and doing things.
I've just had my 4-6 monthly RNVG. Testing the heart to make sure the Herceptin doesn't cause any problems. I'll let me know next week if all good.